Why Gear Matters?

We only use professional gear

Some of the gear we use

Canon is the choice for many professional sports photographers. There is a good chance you will see the distinctive white lens on the sidelines of many games and fields around the world. We invest in many different types of camera bodies and lenses to be able to cover many different types of sports and situations.

Basketball is shot in close and medium distant range and requires a fast lens for low light. Football and soccer can be at night and requires a mixed selection. Baseball we are limited on where we can stand and shoot, so very long lenses are needed to get the perfect shot. See the example below about how we can reach that hard to reach spot.

Baseball Field Example

Here is how different shots a variety of lenses will get while shooting from the outfield of a Little League game! Focus on the logo center of the image.


General lens zoomed all the way out. Standard lens for most cameras


General lens zoomed all the way in. the best shot most casual photographers can get


pro lens


pro lens


pro lens


pro lens

To be able to get shots like this!

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